Saturday, October 2, 2010

Week Three: Article Reflection

This article describes a number of different forms of interactive broads. I am kind of shocked, and feel a tad out of place. I never experienced using an interactive board while a student, and now there are so many variations and new features that I feel very out of my element. The author begins the article with a little commentary on how even in his rural town that is losing money, teachers, and staff a large percentage of the classrooms have interactive boards. He says, "teachers have become willing to give up other supplies to eventually get an interactive white board in their own classrooms." That is kind of amazing to me. I still have a very limited knowledge of the capabilities of these boards, but the fact that teachers would rather have an interactive board than other supplies is intriguing to me. I wonder if once I've learned more about the possibilities with the boards if I will feel the same way.

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