Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Reflection #5: Caffeinated Technology

I had a project for a geography class to name the places and landscapes that make up my home region. I live in the Seattle area, so of course, I listed Starbucks. Currently, I am sitting in a Starbucks using the internet to complete the homework for this course. In my mind, coffee houses started as a place where poets would frequent, then they became places where friends could hang out and chat, and now looking around, every single person--oh, nope, all but one, and that one is over 70--here has a laptop or an iPad out using the internet for whatever: travel, education, business, etc.

We are so ingrained in this culture of (coffee) and technology that it is everywhere! I feel disconnected when I am unable to check my email to connect with friends or colleagues or professors. (And, I'm not sure that I love this tech-rich world.)

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I am actually at a coffee shop right now as I read your blogs for class! And my husband is sitting next to me on his computer. The man behind me is on his bluetooth and there is an older lady working on her laptop at another table. I think we either have to embrace it, or move to the top of a mountain where there is no internet service! :)
