Saturday, October 2, 2010

Assignment 2: SMART Board Presentation

I found the base of the assignment on The Smart Exchange, but I filled it in and added the questions (and did a lot of altering to come up with a new document.)

I will incorporate the sliding feature of the SMART Board; different features of the pen, such as high lighting, writing, and erasing; the links within a single notebook; the indefinite cloner; the locking feature; and probably some others... :)

NETS for Students: #3) Communication and Collaboration: Students use the technology to communicate and work together. #5) Digital Citizen: Students practice legal and ethical behavior while using the technology and understand "human, cultural, and societal issues related" to technology. My notebook does these things by having the students use (#5) the SMART Board and work together (#3) to reach the end goal of four in a row.

NETs for Teachers: #2)Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments: Basically, this NET requires that the teacher be able to create or adapt an assignment using the technology and use it to assess the students. My notebook does this by the fact that I, the teacher, adapted it from a previously found notebook to incorporate a specific set of information and assessment by the fact that it is a game that requires correct answers to win.

Instead of simple verbal review, this makes a game out of it. By making it fun, the students are more likely to enjoy and thus recall the information more easily. I went over this lesson with my youth group, and we simply read the questions and answers. I believe they would have learned the information and it would have stuck in their minds. I'm not sure that it did as it is...It also gets the students up and moving, so there are fewer drowsy looks coming your way. Bottom line: by having the students up and moving they connect more with the material and they are more likely to stay awake for longer periods.

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