Week something, November 30:
Inspiration, kidspiration, and webspiration
--Visual learning coming to life
--Inspiration: grades 6-12
--Kidspiration: grades K-5
Week something, November 16:
--Let's see!
Week Six Notes, October 5:
How to use it:
*Reading an essay
*Lectures for students who missed class
Voters for SMARTBoard
*Anonymous vs named voters*Create your own questions
*Use quick questions
*Download quizzes from the the SMART Exchange (or Promethean Planet for ActivBoard)!
*Great tool for a quick response
*Provides the students with an immediate grade
*Provides you with immediate feedback
*LOTS of options!
Week Six Notes, October 5:
Online applications:
Zoho Creator - "Create online database applications in minutes"
Map Builder - "...tag locations on a map and publish it on your own site"
Google maps/Google Earth - "Explore the world using interactive maps"
How to use Google Maps/Google Earth:
--Have the students see if they can find an image of the tribal territory of the Native American tribes you are studying
--Start in outer space and zoom in to see what it really looks like
--Research a certain community
Input words and it gives you a poster
How to use it
--Specific topic
--Personal project: write the words that describe you, make your own
--Book review
Supper motivating for students!
Wikis - Free webspace
Think Wikipedia--anyone can see it and any one can change it
Example: Mysteries of Harris Burdock
--This is a really fun idea. The book is a series of pictures with a line from the book it's from. No story, just one line. The students collectively write short stories to the pictures in the book. The students are from 14 different class, around the world. VERY COOL!
--This is a really fun idea. The book is a series of pictures with a line from the book it's from. No story, just one line. The students collectively write short stories to the pictures in the book. The students are from 14 different class, around the world. VERY COOL!
Week Three Notes, September 14:
Interactive Whiteboards
What is an Interactive Whiteboard?
Interactive Whiteboards in the Classroom
SMART Technologies
SMART Boards Why are they so easy to use? (YouTube Video)
What is an Interactive Whiteboard?
Interactive Whiteboards in the Classroom
SMART Technologies
SMART Boards Why are they so easy to use? (YouTube Video)
--Great video for an overview
Smart Table - An Ideal Interactive Learning Center (YouTube Video)
Smart Table - An Ideal Interactive Learning Center (YouTube Video)
--Management of the table, if there's only one, could be really difficult
--Could be bad if no tangible exercise is used as well
--At this point, seems like an extra
--Tech Literacy project
To Download Notebook Software:
Go to SMART Technologies Download Software page
For Activation Code go to Download Notebook Software -- you will need to log in with your NU user name and password
SMART Exchange: Classroom Ready Resources
Teacher's Hub
Free Learning Resources
Notebook Software Activity Guide - Designing Lesson Activities
Lesson Activity Toolkit
SMART Notebook Lesson Activities & State Standards
Teachers Love SMART Boards blog
SMART Board Internet Resources for Education
SMARTBoard Lessons Podcast
Promethean web page
Video Showcase: In the Classroom
--ActivBoard lessons
Promethean Planet (free online community for Activclassroom teachers, registration required)
Free Webinars
Download free personal version of ActivInspire
Web Sites
Interactive Whiteboard Links
Illuminations (Math)
Interactive Whiteboard Resources
Interactive Whiteboard Links
e Chalk: Online Resources for Teachers - Free Games Room
elearning for Kids
In Class:
#1 SMART Board Activities
SMART Exchange: Classroom Ready Resources
SMART Notebook Activities & State Standards
Week Two Notes, September 7:
Internet Resources
Unique Search sites
--Goby: Create your own adventure
--ChaCha: use with mobile phone
--Tag Galaxy: Searches photos in Flickr
--CamMap: Search traffic webcams in real time
--Ask kids: Ask.com for kids (safe searching)
--YahooKids: Yahoo! for kids (safe searching)
--Google Kids: Google for kids (safe searching)
--Mahalo: Human-powered search
List of best search engines for ESL/ELL
National Education Technology Standards
1) Creativity and innovation
--students are able to create using tech
2) Communicate and collaborate
--interact and share info with one another
--blog responses to reading
--creating a diagram on the computer and then share it in front of the class
--technology is a link to a global community
--our students need to be able to be ready to interact globally
--Kids know a lot more than we think they do!
3) Research and information fluency
--data, graphs, surveys
--teaching how to research (see top)
--discernment, how to, limitations, criteria
4) Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making
--Manage projects and solve problems
--show a video of the Bp oil spills, present them with a real life scenario, then give them a
hands on how to fix it problem
--connect with other classrooms
5) Digital citizen
--use the internet appropriately
6) Technology operations and concepts
--"type to learn"
--teachers have to facilitate the keyboard learning
--not a separate class
--teach them how to use the pieces of the computer, not just the programs
SMART Boards
--Pre-made SMART board lessonshttp://www.wikispaces.com/