Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Reflection #6: BookSneeze

"Great books are contagious." BookSneeze's tag ling.

BookSneeze gets books into the hands of people who love to read, and who love to blog--and the books are free!! I found this really cool program that gives books away to people who will review and post the review on their blog. You get to choose from the books on their website, and they ship the book to you for free and you get to keep it.

I think that this is a really cool way to get people books that they want to read, at a good price--I always liked free--and get the word out about the book. It also makes people think about how the book might affect other people.

I don't know how it would work, I still working on it, but I think that using this in a classroom would be a really good idea. The majority of the books are geared for adults, so it might work better for HS than elementary.

1 comment:

  1. What a cool website! This could be a great incentive for students also. They could post comments and then pick a new book to read. Keeps the cycle going. Very exciting!
