
This is where I will be compiling all of my Technology in Education class assignments, notes, and miscellaneous information pertaining to technology in the classroom.

I am really excited to learn more ways to incorporate technology into the classroom, and simply to learn more about the technology of the age that I live in.

Classmates' blogs
Professor's Blog EDUC 3302 Fall 2010

Alison Langstraat's Technology in Education Class

This page will also house my course calendar and the assignment descriptions.

Course Outline

8/31 Introduction to class and Blogging

9/7 Teacher technology standards / Interactive White Board
9/14 Library Resources / SMART Board Hands-on practice
9/21 DUE: SMART Board Presentations
9/28 Web 2.0 Tools for Educators
10/5 Web site design and HTML
DUE: Technology Literacy Paper
10/12 Visit to ActivBoard classrooms
DUE: Professional Blog Pt #1
10/19 NU Educators Panel
DUE: Technology Project Plan
10/26 Discovery of Online resources/Video/Podcasting
11/2 Kispiration/Inspiration/Gradebook Software
DUE: Resources for Teachers assignment
11/9 Student resources / Discussion and Discovery
11/16 Parent Communication / Discussion and Discovery
DUE: Professional Blog Pt #2
11/23 Future of Technology and Education
11/30 Teacher Resource Discovery
12/7 Prepare Final projects – presentations of Blogs
12/14 Final Project presentations- Share out / Reflections
DUE: Technology Project / Professional Blog

Assignment Descriptions

Assignment #1 Technology Literacy
Due Date: 10/5
Points: 50
Create a blog entry called “Assignment #1” and include the following: Please also write this assignment as a Word document and email it to me before class on the 5th.

Use Education Research Complete or ERIC (databases available from Hurst library) to find a full text article at least 4 pages in length, published in the last 3 years regarding the use of technology in the grade level or subject that you plan to teach. In your blog entry include the citation information, a summary of the article, a reflection of what you learned, and how you could apply what you learned in your future classroom. The paper should be between 1-2 pages in length. (20 pts)

Look at the NETS for Teachers. Choose one to focus on this semester. Why is this standard important to you as a teacher and for the students in your class? List and talk about 3 ways you will work on this standard this semester. You will be asked to follow up on this at the end of the semester. (15 pts)

Look at the NETS for Students. Choose one standard and discuss why this standard is important for the students that you plan to teach. Give specifics for two assignments or projects that you could do with your students to help them meet this standard. (12 pts)

Assignment #2 Presentation using the SMART Board Due Date: 9/21
Points: 50
This assignment will provide practice time with the SMART Board and an opportunity to demonstrate the use of the SMART Board in a classroom setting.

By 9/14 find an activity that you want to share with the class using the SMART Board. Choose two SB features to use during your presentation.

On 9/21 present a 4 - 5 minute lesson using the SMART Board. Be sure to show two SB features and provide opportunities for your classmates to engage in active learning. Think about classroom management.(25pts.)
Create a post called “Assignment 2” before the class presentation and include the following: (23 pts)

Link to the activity that you will use in your presentations.

List of SMART Board features you will use during your presentation.

List the specific NETS standards for Students & Teachers this activity covers (at least one for each) and discuss how this activity meets the standards.

Discuss how an interactive white board could improve student learning in your future classroom.

Assignment #3 Resources For Teachers
Due Date: 11/2
Points: 50
As a teacher you will find many web sites that will be useful to you and to your students. For this assignment you will design a “toolbox” of websites that will be useful for you as a teacher and that you may want to share with other others. You must focus on the subject and/or age level of the students you plan to work with.
Design and add content to your “toolbox” (25 pts)

Decide what you will use for your “toolbox” (consider one of the web 2.0 tools) and how you will organize your “toolbox”. Add at least 20 web sites to your “toolbox”.
Create a blog entry called “Assignment #3” and include the following: (23 pts)

An introduction and link to your “toolbox”
A description of how your “toolbox” is organized and how you decided which sites to add
Thoughts on how you will use your “toolbox” and ways that you can share your “toolbox” with other teachers
Pick three sites to share on your blog. Create a review for each site including the url. Include specific resources from the site and how you could use the resources as a teacher

Assignment #4 Technology Project
Due Dates: 10/19 & 12/14
Points: 100
This project must focus on the age and subject level that you plan to teach and result in something that you can use with your students or something that you will use as a teacher. This project must include at least two different kinds of technology/software -- one must be something that you are not proficient at using. The project must be original; if any parts are borrowed (like photos) they must be properly cited using the Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines.
Pt #1 Due 10/19 (20 pts)

Create a podcast using Freecorder or Audacity to share your project plan. Your podcast should contain the details of your technology project, including what you plan to create and the technologies/software that you plan to use. Also include why you choose this project and how you will use it as a teacher.

Create an entry on your blog called “Technology Project Plan”. Add a short introduction to your plan and a link to your podcast.
Pt #2 Due 12/14

Create your project using as many features of the software as possible. (40 pts)
Create an entry on your blog called “Assignment #4” and include the following: (35 pts)

A link to your project
List of features of the technology that you learned and used
Discuss the issues you encountered doing this project and how you solved them
Discuss what this project means to you and how you think you will use it as a teacher

Talk about the NETS standards for students and teachers that are covered by your project, including how it fulfills the standard.

Final: Presentation
Due: 12/7 or 12/14
Points: 50
The final will be a 6-8 minute presentation where you will have the opportunity to share what you have learned this semester. Teach the class how to do one new thing and show at least 2 of your favorite web sites, including specifics of how you would use the web site as a teacher or in your class. Other possible items to share would be your resources “toolbox” (Assignment #3) and your technology project (Assignment #4).
Grade will be based on:
Organization (10 pts)
Content (30 pts)
Presentation (10 pts)

Semester Project: Professional Blog (200 pts)
Part #1 Due: Date indicated or 10/12
Points: 100
Due 10/12 - Beginning of Semester Reflection regarding technology and the role it should have in a K-12 classroom and in your life as a teacher (10 pts)
8 Entries as required before, after, or in class (5 pts each). Indicate in the title of the entry that it is required.

Week 1
In Class: Create a post and share the story about your decision to be a teacher. Include the grade and subject (for secondary) that you want to teach and what you hope to learn this semester.

Week 2

Week 3
Before Class: Use the library online databases or the SMART Board web site to find an article regarding interactive white boards. Add an entry to your blog with a link to the article and a reflection on what you learned from the article. What impact does an interactive white board have on teaching and learning in the classroom? Be ready to share in class.

Week 4
After Class: What did you learn about the SMART Board today? What questions do you still have about using an interactive white board?

Week 5
Before Class: Spend some time looking at one or more of the blogs listed under the heading of “Blogs for Educators” on the Class Blog. Add an entry with a link to at least one entry that was of interest to you. Answer the What? So What? Now What? questions in response to what you read.

Week 6
Before Class: Read the article “Generation IM” (see link on Discovery – Week 4) and add a reflection regarding what you learned from the article. Be ready to share in class.

Week 7
Before Class: Use the Internet to find some information regarding the Promethean ActivBoard and its impact on learning in the classroom. Provide a link to the information you found and summarize what you learned. Include any questions that you have about the ActivBoard and be ready to ask the questions during the classroom visit.

6 Reflective or Informative Entries regarding technology and/or teaching labeled “Reflection #1 - #6”. These can be observations from a visit to a classroom, from NU classes, or reflections on something related to technology & education. Each entry should answer these questions: What? So What? Now What? (5 pts each)
Note: These must be added during weeks 1 - 7 not just when Part #1 is due
Leave a Thoughtful and Insightful Comment on the blog entry of 5 classmates. Create an entry on your blog with the names of your classmates and a link to the post where you left a comment. (4 pt each)
Part #2 Due: Date Indicated or 11/30
Points: 100
6 Entries as required before or after class. (5 pts each) Indicate in the title that it is required..

Week 8
Before Class: Read Bob Spankle’s blog entry called “Caught on Video” (see link on Discovery Week 9) and add an entry regarding what you learned. Be ready to share in class.

Week 9
Before Class: Post an entry with three questions that you will ask the NU Educators Panel members.
One question should be related to technology, the others can be anything regarding teaching.

Week 10
Before Class: Spend time reading an educational blog. Add a comment to one of the entries. Add an entry on your blog with a link to the blog entry where you added a comment. What did you learn from the blog and how did your comment contribute to the community of learners?

Week 11
Before Class: Post an entry discussing different lessons you can do with technology in the classroom. Discuss the difference between technology integration within other subjects and technology education. List three different lessons including technology with a one to two sentence description.

Week 12
Before Class: Find the website for the school where you hope to teach or a school that you attended. Create a blog entry and share your thoughts about the site: What features of the web site do you like, what do you find confusing, and what is missing? Be ready to share in class.

Week 13
Before Class: Do research regarding the future of education and technology. Post an entry regarding what you found. Be ready to share in class.
6 Reflective or Informative Entries regarding technology and/or teaching labeled “Reflection #7 - #12”. These can be observations from a visit to a classroom, from NU classes, or reflections on something related to technology & education. Each entry should answer these questions: What? So What? Now What? (5 pts each)
Note: These must be added during weeks 9-14 not just when Part #2 is due
Leave a Thoughtful and Insightful Comment on the blog entry of 5 classmates. Create an entry on your blog with the names of your classmates and a link to the post where you left a comment. (4 pt each)
End of Semester Reflection: What have you learned regarding technology in education this semester?
What progress have you made on the NETS for Teachers that you focused on this semester? (15 pts)