Monday, November 1, 2010

Week Ten: Read and Comment on a Class Blog

I'm not sure that it will come through before class, but I commented on Mrs. Ida's Blog.

Mrs. Ida's blog has a lot of resources and some really cool posts. I picked this one to comment on because I really connected to it. I like the idea of having students present their material this way. It's kind of like Prof. Adair's students research projects that they are allowed to create and present as additional content. It allows the students to learn about something that is interesting to them and then teach it! And I personally believe that that is the best way to learn -- to teach.

Mrs. Ida's post didn't really discuss the idea, she just put it out there. I contributed by expanding on it and, hopefully, providing a different view on it than maybe she had thought of at first.

I found another blog that I really like! This one is from a school in the Wenatchee School District where I hope to end up. The teacher has a lot of information on her blog regarding the weekly happenings of the class, assignments, and other events that happen--planned or not. I commented a post that tells how the class was reading a story to learn about royalty and created a poster of a dragon to remind themselves to be respectful and polite--no whining!

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