Monday, November 1, 2010

Reflection #11: Lack of Technology

So I've been thinking about technology and the classroom and meshing the two and all the cool ways to incorporate technology into the classroom and connect to the students through technology. But I've run into a problem: not all classrooms have technology, and not all schools have access to technology.

It's a very interesting dynamic. I'm learning about all of these amazing ideas about using technology in the classroom and educating students technologically; and yet, in the classroom I was first assigned, there isn't really an opportunity to use any technology. The teacher was given a projector a few years back--meaning that only she has a projector and other classrooms don't--and that's about it. She has a computer that she can use, but nothing that the students have access to. What do you do then? How to you teach technology and expect you students to do well in the technological era if you don't have access to it on a regular or easy basis? Very interesting indeed.

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