Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Final Project

My final project is now mostly complete! I'm so excited, it's come so far and took so much work, but will definitely be worth it!

For my project I created a webpage and connected it to this blog and a gradebook for future students. I have added some basic info to the page about me and my mock classroom, in addition to some resources and guidelines. It took a lot of time, but I'm pretty happy with it so far! I looked at a lot of websites and blogs and gleaned a lot of information form those.


  1. Hey.. I checked your webpage and guess what... I LIKE IT! I think you are doing a wonderful job with your final project! It looks organized and it can be easily accessed by parents and other teachers! Great Job Kayli... can't wait to get my page up and going... You are incredible :)---Yajaira

  2. That is so cool to have an online grade book. I know I am not as organized as I should be, but this is way more effective than submitting everything into a written paper grade book, and taking a calculator and adding up totals. I do not like math. The online grade book would be more accurate.
    =) Great Idea!
